Bread Fresh Longer is the easiest source of Carbs. It is also the fastest solution for a busy working day breakfast. But, eating stale and moldy bread isn’t really preferable at all.
Are you tired of eating stale bread instead of storing it? And most probably you are not being able to figure out what’s wrong with your bread. Why your bread is staling?
Well, is the problem actually with your bread, or is it with your storage system?
You will get to know the real fact and the solution as well if you think more subtly.
Before that, you need to know the actual reason behind bread stalling.
Why does bread stall ?
Well, any kind of bread is made of these four essential ingredients which are- Flower, Water, Sugar, East, Salt, and Oil. These are the basic ingredients for any kind of bread.
The wheat flour has 70% starch in composition. There could be two kinds of starch known as Amylose and Amylopectin.
We think that the bread gets dry when it stales. But, the truth is, a moisture migration happens there. Let me explain it to you.
The bread Fresh Longer actually start to stale right after getting out of oven or heat. It starts to stale slowly.
When the bread gets older the water inside the bread starts to leak the crystal structure and migrates to the wrong place. The water starts moving into the space between the crystal structure and makes the bread rigid and solid.
As soon as the moisture migrates out of the starch molecules than the starch crystals, to begin with, and moist. Right after that it recrystallizes and makes the bread hard from the center. This is called crumped staling. As the moisture leaves from the center towards the crust, the crusty part becomes softer and the center harder.
In case of storing bread Fresh Longer, we bring the bread home, eat it and the rest overs are kept in the refrigerator to store. We make the hugest mistake right here. Storing in the refrigerator can stall your bread even more quickly.
Normal room temperature is perfect to store your bread. The ideal temperature is 15-20 degrees centigrades (59-68 degrees Fahrenheit). So, now you must be thinking to keep it in your kitchen counter in a plastic or paper bag. Isn’t it? But, know this first. Storing bread in plastic bags suffocates it and storing breads in paper bags can dry out your bread about a day.
So, what to do to prevent your bread Fresh Longer from staling?
What are the best ways to keep bread fresh longer?

You actually can not prevent it but obviously can slow it down.
1. Store bread in a Breadbox:
You have to apply the simplest method that our grandparents used to apply. It’s storing bread in a bread box. Your bread actually breathes, so there is some room needed to let the bread do it. Breadbox is best according to this demand. A breadbox creates a microenvironment.
As the bread breathes it raises up the humidity slightly. And because of having room inside the breadbox there creates an air circulation. So, the air circulation and humidity both extend the shelf life of the bread from 3-4 days.
2. Store bread in a Freezer:
Store your bread in a freezer. Avoid storing in the refrigerator. Storing bread in a freezer keeps the bread fresh for longer. On the other hand, storing bread in the refrigerator causes stale bread earlier.
3. Airtight container:
You can use a container to store the bread. Make sure the container is sealed and air tightened. Because bread stales if it gets into the touch of a lot of air
4. Clothe Bags:
Cloth bags are also a very satisfying option to store bread. As the bag is made of cloth it lets the bread to breathe and keeps it fresh longer.
5. Airtight the packet:
When you buy a pack of bread. You can simply untie the rubber on the top and open up the front of the packet a little bit. Then, place the lower side of the packet in a bowl of warm water.
It will shrink the packet and the air inside the packet will get out in this way. Then tie the front of the packet again and simply store in the freezer.
How to slow down staling on homemade bread?
Homemade bakings stale sooner as they are preservatives free natural bakings.
1. Acidation:
Acidation works quite great in this case. You can apply 1% of Apple vinegar. As this vinegar doesn’t have much of its own taste it will not make any difference to your bread’s taste.
2. Sourdough:
You can apply 3% of in your bread while baking. It will keep the bread fresh for longer.
3. Molderator:
Molderators are made of fermented flour and sourdough. It is really a good alternative to Acidation. Adding up 2% of Molderator can increase the shelf life of your bread from 5-7%.
4. Cooling and Separation:
This is something so important to do after you bake bread. Cooling is a must after baking. If you store high warmth bread it will rather accelerate the growth of molds in your bread. So, let your bread cool down and then separate in tight packaging.

Hey There, I’m Monica, Mom of two. This is my personal blog site. Here I write about Kitchen Tips Tricks, Recipes, and Review the products I use.
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