How To Increase Home Value | 5 Ways To Add

A lot of people think that the most expensive and uber-luxurious home improvements are the best ways to increase home value. But you should know that that is not true.

How To Increase Home Value ?

Many expensive home improvements are not even considered when naming a price value. These expensive home improvements are just that – expensive.

Increase Home Value

Simple home improvements make a bigger impact on home value. You do not need to focus on investments that cost much. So swimming pools, fancy gourmet kitchens, sunrooms, expensive landscaping, and all that is useless.

You should direct your attention to the simpler and best home improvement appliances that matter.

Here are 5 home improvement ideas that can add value to your home

Kitchen Remodeling

Increase Home Value

The kitchen is the heart of the home. So it does pay off to make investments to improve it. But there are many people that go overboard with their kitchen remodeling. They design it into a luxurious room that becomes fancier than the house or neighborhood.

This will make your kitchen feel alienated from the rest of the house. The deluxe kitchen won’t fit in. It also doesn’t fit with what you need most in a kitchen.

But still, kitchen remodeling is important if you want to add value to your home. Repainting your kitchen walls can go a long way. Using modern colors can update your kitchen’s looks without spending thousands of dollars.

Another way to add value to your kitchen is to invest in energy-efficient appliances. These appliances conserve energy by utilizing minimum power to complete its tasks. Less used energy means lower utility bills.

Aiming to lower your utility bills will benefit you financially in the years to come. So the value of your home increases if it uses energy-efficient appliances.


Increase Home Value

Another home improvement that will add value is insulation. You don’t want to live in a home that will make you spend a lot more than living elsewhere. This is how an insulated home can add great value.

Good insulation doesn’t have to cost much. In fact, adding energy-efficiency to your home can recoup the investment by 90%. An affordable way to provide insulation is to replace old and drafty windows.

You should also seal off cracks and leaks, cover any wiring that bores an opening to the outside, and much more. Better insulation means better living quarters.

It is also a good idea to install programmable thermostats. These programmable thermostats detect the temperatures around the home. It then adjusts the temperatures to regulate insulation and offers energy-efficiency.

Programmable thermostats are actually quite popular in homes today. Don’t worry about joining the bandwagon. It will benefit you.

If you invest in insulation, then your energy-efficient home will increase in value. It will be more valuable because it will lower all kinds of monthly bills.


Increase Home Value

It is lovely to be able to relax outdoors, especially on your vacations. Outdoor living spaces are also part of the home improvements that increase value. This is why a deck addition is a good idea.

Deck addition costs vary. You have to plan out your ideas and the costs first before you even begin construction. Without a clear budget, you can spend way over what you have or plan.

It might cost you more to hire a contractor, but then again, it might not. Of course, you will have to spend more to hire professional help. But that is nothing compared to when you make a deck construction mistake and you have to spend more to reverse it.

Our advice is to hire trustworthy contractors. You can find one at a reasonable price, with good recommendations and reviews. You should also interview them to see if they understand what you want your deck design to look like.

To get back to the point, a deck doesn’t have to cost much at all. Any kind of deck will add value to your home.

Room Reinvention

Increase Home Value

You might think that adding extra rooms to your home will increase the value right away. But the only thing that will increase is your expenses. Instead, try investing in unique room reinventions. This is more appealing than if you add more rooms. Room reinventions also increase the home value more than new rooms.

Room reinvention will need a lot of creative thinking. If you have a big space, then you should add divisions to divide it into two rooms. Or if you want to add an extra bathroom, then find areas with underutilized spaces. A closet or under the staircase is perfect for a second bathroom.

Convert an attic into a bedroom, the basement into a living room, the garage into a game room, and the list can go on and on.

We touched on the surface of room reinventions that you can think of. There are lots more that will add more value to your home than spending a lot of cash on a new room.


The most effective home improvement that adds value is the small updates you make here and there. You want your home to be solid and safe. You won’t want a home that is deteriorating with neglect. You should never overlook the maintenance routine of your home.

So repainting the walls, fixing leaks, replacing rotten woods, removing molds and mildew is enough to increase the value of your home.

It might feel insignificant doing these, but it is so important if you want to increase your home value. This is the main appeal that every homeowner should strive for.


If you hear that spending more money equals higher home value, then that is not true. There are many home improvements that do not have to cost much but add great value to your home. It is all about connecting to your needs and what you want in a home. It is all about striving for better value through simple steps.

You should always aim to add value to your home. You can do this by providing character and comfort instead of over the top luxuries that cost too much.

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